Data Aggregation

Master the most important influence in modern health care for your practitioners and administrators.

A phone with a green pattern on the back of it.A phone with a green pattern on the back of it.
Data Aggregation

Important and Powerful Health Record Retrieval

Discover why adopting a system-wide, seamless, and clean data aggregation solution is invaluable to your patients and clinicians.

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No Data! — Practitioners are missing a longitudinal health record to convey the whole patient story.

Redundant & Forgettable — Patients are tasked to remember, repeat, and/or decipher important health information.

Manual input clipboard questionnaires are subject to provider errors and are time consuming.

Missed Opportunity Clinicians are left without complete or clear knowledge of patient health profile and history to maximize the effectiveness of in-person encounters.

Both providers and patients are unprepared to take advantage of powerful generative AI models to assist practitioners work more effectively.

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HL7 FHIR® (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource) standards use open APIs for payers, provider, and consumers to aggregate Electronic Health Data.

CARIN’s MyHealthApplication — publishes credentialed data aggregation applications designed for providers' and/or consumers' needs.

Establish an aggregation process to collect, administer access, and assign permissions of a wide breadth of data sets.

Possess robust data sets of patient’s Electronic Health Information for improved and efficient care.

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Skip the Questionnaire — Patients no longer have to remember or decide which health information is important, and no longer need to fill out a clipboard questionnaire.

Time Saver — Providers can access aggregated health data across systems, bypassing repetitive questionnaires.

Unprecedented Understanding — Practitioners will have a better understanding of the patient history to provide the best care possible.

Longitudinal Records — Will help clinicians improve diagnoses and treatment options at never-before-seen precision.

Research — Aggregated health data is the foundation for current and future advancement of biological understand and disease knowledge.

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