& Deliverables

CARIN’s vision is to rapidly advance the ability for consumers and their authorized caregivers to easily get, use, and share their digital health information when, where, and how they want to achieve their goals.

January 29, 2025
CARIN Q1 2025 Meeting Summary and Recording
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The CARIN community, made up of the CARIN Board, Affiliate Members, and Special Guests, met in-person and virtually on January 29, 2025 to discuss accomplishments from 2024, opportunities to work with a new Congress and Administration, the status of current patient access activities, and opportunities to engage in additional activity to advance new CARIN priorities in consumer and patient access.

Best Practices
November 19, 2024
The State of the CMS Patient Access API - November 2024
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In this webinar, we share a November 2024 update on the State of the Patient Access API. There has been substantial progress that we are pleased to report. We also included recent recommendations to the ASTP/ONC on how to improve patient access across the country.

Best Practices
June 4, 2024
The State of the CMS Patient Access API - June 2024
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For the first time publicly, we will be talking about the recent Flexpa report on the state of the Patient Access API which includes the CARIN IG for Blue Button with the Flexpa team. We will also hear ‘on the ground’ experiences from consumer-facing applications connecting to the CMS Patient Access API from the bWell Connected Health, OneRecord/Milliman, and The Commons Project application teams. This webinar will be open to both CARIN and non-CARIN members so feel free to publicize it within your network.

Best Practices
December 13, 2023
CARIN Letter to HHS on Provider Information Blocking Disincentives
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The CARIN Alliance provided comment to ONC and CMS on their provider information blocking disincentive proposed rule with recommendations on its complaint submission process, applicable providers, and prioritization of enforcement activity. In our comments we provided a number of innovative ideas including a ‘complaint clearinghouse’ concept that requests ONC to allow providers and payers an option to submit complaints to an independent third-party who would aggregate those complaints and then submit them as a group. This would avoid individual providers and payers knowing which of their trading partners submitted the complaints but would also identify clear violations of information blocking to advance information sharing with providers, payers, and most importantly patients. See the link above for our full comments.

Best Practices
December 13, 2023
Best Practice Recommendations for HL7® FHIR® Based Deployment
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CARIN is publishing a Best Practice Recommendations for HL7® FHIR® Based Deployment for how to improve the current HL7® FHIR® ecosystem to prepare the industry for implementing HL7® FHIR® at scale. We believe if followed, these best practices will dramatically improve FHIR connectivity across the country with provider, payers, and patients.

Best Practices
October 8, 2022
EHNAC CARIN Alliance Code of Conduct Application Accreditation Program (CCCAP)
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SIMSBURY, Conn. and WASHINGTON, D.C. – October 3, 2022 – The Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC), a non-profit standards development organization and accrediting body for organizations that electronically exchange healthcare data, and The CARIN Alliance, a collaborative working to advance consumer-directed exchange of health information, today announced the creation of a new CARIN Code of Conduct Accreditation Program (CCCAP).

Case Study
March 8, 2022
Attention ViVE and HIMSS attendees!!
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We are excited to announce March 8, 2022 the kick off of our Digital Identity federation proof of concept with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), ONC and CMS as government observers, and multiple private sector entities.

Case Study
July 22, 2021
Advancing Consumer-Directed Exchange and Application Registration Guide
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The CARIN board and community are happy to announce three new deliverables that can be used by stakeholders to continue to empower individuals with access to more of their own health data with less friction.

Best Practices
January 1, 2021
The CARIN Comments for CMS-9123-P
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"Medicaid Program; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Reducing Provider and Patient Burden by Improving Prior Authorization Processes, and Promoting Patients’ Electronic Access to Health Information for Medicaid Managed Care Plans, State Medicaid Agencies, CHIP Agencies and CHIP Managed Care Entities, and Issuers of Qualified Health Plans on the Federally-facilitated Exchanges; Health Information Technology Standards and Implementation Specifications"

Best Practices
December 1, 2020
The CARIN Alliance: Advancing consumer-directed exchange in 2020
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The CARIN Alliance has accomplished a significant amount of work in that later half of 2020 and we are excited to share with you the details of our progress in providing consumers and their caregivers more data with less friction. Learn more about our efforts, including updates on CARIN IG for Blue Button®, CARIN’s approach to Digital Identity and Federation, the CARIN Code of Conduct and more in our blog post here.

Case Study
December 1, 2020
Digital Identity and Federation White Paper
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"The 21st Century Cures Act, the ONC Cures Act Final Rule, and the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access rule have accelerated the ability for an individual to access their personal health information via an application of their choice leveraging HL7® FHIR® Application Programming Interfaces or APIs. To support consumer access, we must ensure that people are who they claim to be so the right information can be shared with the right person at the right time. CARIN supports “person-centric” digital identity credentials to facilitate this ecosystem; an individual has a portable, high-assurance digital identity credential they can use to control when and how their personal information is shared across systems. The CARIN Alliance is working on development of a federated trust agreement to foster and federate trust in digital identity credentials. The federated trust agreement will address standardization and best practices related to security, data protection, authentication, identity proofing, privacy, user experience, interoperability and the conformance regime to ensure these specifications and policy obligations are certified and can be enforced."

Case Study
May 27, 2020
Official Launch of the My Health Application Website
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Today, the CARIN Alliance, a non-partisan, multi-sector alliance focused on providing digital health information to consumers where, when, and how they want to achieve their goals, launched the My Health Application website. The website offers a vendor and platform agnostic location to help consumers select a health care application of their choice to aggregate their clinical, coverage, and payment information. Read the full announcement here.

Best Practices
March 9, 2020
Read Governor Leavitt and Aneesh Chopra’s Op-Ed on FierceHealthcare
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Today, the Trump administration finalized two landmark regulations from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC), which require providers, health plans and for the first time, government-sponsored health plans, to provide individuals with digital access to their health information through an application or device of their choice. Read the full article here.

Case Study
March 1, 2020
Consumer-Directed Exchange – An Approach for a Volunteer, Trusted, Private-Sector-Led Pathway
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"Carequality has brought together the health care industry to overcome the challenge of interoperability by providing a national-level, consensus-built, common interoperability framework to enable exchange between and among health data sharing networks. This framework determines the technical and policy agreements to enable data to flow between and among networks, platforms, and geographies. Carequality provides consumer-facing third-party applications with a voluntary approach to connecting with various data holders via a single, trusted ‘on-ramp’ rather than connecting separately to many disparate systems. The CARIN Alliance has been working with other interested stakeholders on how to advance the ability for consumers and their authorized caregivers to easily get, use, and share their digital health information when, where, and how they want to achieve their goals. The individual right of access under HIPAA and the ONC and CMS proposed rules have helped to accelerate the ability for consumers to get digital access to their health information. We anticipate the final ONC and CMS rules will help lay the groundwork to continue to advance the ability for consumers to access ‘more data with less friction’ in the years ahead. Read the full blog post here."

Case Study
January 27, 2020
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"The CARIN Alliance is meeting with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on Monday, January 27, 2020 at 3:00pm ET in Washington, D.C. Our talking points are outlined here. The meeting attendees are listed here. Click here to read more about our vision for consumer-directed exchange in 2020 and beyond. "

Best Practices
June 30, 2019
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The CARIN Alliance is excited to announce the private sector released the CARIN Blue Button® data model and draft implementation guide as part of the White House Blue Button® Developers Conference. The Consumer Directed Payer Data Exchange (CARIN IG for Blue Button®) draft implementation guide includes more than 240 claim data elements that have been agreed on by multiple regional and national health plans. These data elements are included in what we are calling the common payer consumer data set or CPCDS. We have taken these data elements and mapped them to HL7® FHIR® resources to better assist health plans implement the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access proposed rule. Read the full announcement here.